Wedding season is upon us, and if you’re struggling to find the perfect gift for the happy couple, you’re not alone. With so many options out there, it can be overwhelming to decide on the right present. To help you out, we’ve asked experts and psychologists to weigh in on the best wedding gifts for newlyweds.

Give an experience, not just an object

According to a study published in the Journal of Consumer Research, people derive more happiness from experiences than material possessions. Dr. Thomas Gilovich, a psychology professor at Cornell University, explains, “We buy things to make us happy, and we succeed. But only for a while. New things are exciting to us at first, but then we adapt to them.” On the other hand, experiences create lasting memories that can be cherished for a lifetime.

With that in mind, consider giving the newlyweds an experience rather than a physical object. This could be anything from a cooking class to a weekend getaway. Not only will they have fun creating memories together, but they’ll also have something to look forward to after the wedding festivities wind down. And what about a Netflix subscription to cosy home evenings together? You can find hot offers at Cardgifters! So do not hesitate to explore the deals!

Invest in quality home goods

Newlyweds are often in need of household items, but it can be challenging to know which ones to choose. When it comes to home goods, quality is key. “I always recommend investing in quality items that will last,” says interior designer and lifestyle expert Emily Henderson. “This means looking for items that are made with high-quality materials and have a timeless design.”

Consider gifting the couple a set of high-quality sheets, a luxurious throw blanket, or a set of high-end kitchen knives. These are items that they’ll use daily and will appreciate for years to come — hesitating about what to choose? Give a gift card!

Create a custom gift basket

If you want a more personal touch, consider creating a custom gift basket for the newlyweds. Fill it with items they’ll love and use, such as their favourite snacks, a bottle of wine, and a personalised photo album.

Psychologist Susan Krauss Whitbourne suggests that “a customised gift can help convey a sense of intimacy and personal knowledge of the couple.” By curating items tailored to their interests and tastes, you show that you’ve put thought and effort into the gift.

Do you know that at Cardgifters, you can personalise your choice with your photo and a message? 

Practical items that are also thoughtful

Practicality doesn’t have to mean boring when it comes to wedding gifts. There are plenty of items that are both practical and thoughtful, such as:

  • A high-quality coffee maker.
  • A set of professional-grade mixing bowls.
  • A gift certificate for a cleaning service.
  • A personalised recipe book.
  • A high-tech water bottle that reminds you to stay hydrated.

These items show that you’ve taken the time to think about what the couple needs and will use regularly.

Regarding wedding gifts, thinking beyond the traditional registry and considering what the couple will truly appreciate is essential. Whether it’s an experience, a high-quality household item, or a personalised gift basket, putting thought and effort into the gift will go a long way. As psychologist Jeanne Segal puts it, “When people feel cared for and appreciated, they’re happier and healthier.” So show the newlyweds that you care with a thoughtful and meaningful gift.